There’s a well nearby. You’ve probably seen it. It’s in a dusty abandoned town. You wonder who used to live here and why they all left.

Many people have traveled by this well on their journeys through life, but either didn’t notice it, decided not to check it out, or tried it but left for some reason. It doesn’t appear that the well has been used in a long time. You are not even sure if the water is good. The top of the water looks unappetizing . . . . disgusting actually – covered in dust, dirt, germs, bugs and grime. Who would even want to use this well or drink its water? You dip your finger in to just taste it anyways as you realize how thirsty you are, but you only taste the stuff on top. Yuck. You’re not drinking that! But your thirst remains.

You decide to move on. . . . to find something more appealing . . . more appetizing . . . more eye-catching and tasty. You heard there was something better down the road. So you turn your back to the well and head off.

I urge you to come back.

Things are not always what they seem.

There is more to this well than the casual observer and wanderer will ever know.

Let me help you draw up the DEEP water from the well. That is where the best water resides – where the cooler, refreshing, life-giving water is. It is not tainted by the dirt, dust, germs or bugs on top of the water. Nothing has touched this deep water except the bucket and cisterns that are allowed to draw deep into it.

Are you that kind of cistern or vessel?

Are you ready to go deep?

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The ONLY Resolution you need to make!

In 2008, I resolve to . . . .

What did you resolve to do in 2008? Did you write it down? Make a list? Was it longer than your grocery list? Did you make any resolutions or goals at all?

In years past I have had goals and resolution lists longer than the Constitution and all it's amendments. . . . . ok . . . maybe not quite that long . . . but close! And each year I felt like a big fat loser in looking at how many resolutions and goals I actually kept or obtained in the 12 months God gave me that year. So last year I decided to do things differently. . . .

I didn't make any goals or resolutions! I figured - if you don't make 'em, you won't fail at keeping them! :)

It worked! :) I am happy to report that I didn't fail at keeping any sort of resolutions this year. And I am still the same weight as last year, my house is just as messy, I saw the same amount of friends, and my spending habits didn't change. :)

Is that good? . . . . yes and no.

I do have to say though - it is nice to not feel like a failure at the end of the year. :) But I also would have loved to have felt a little toner, had a few more dollars in my savings account, seen a few more friends, and had my house a little cleaner (but not done by me! hee,hee) - amongst other things.

However, God has been teaching me a lot the past couple years about learning to just "BE". Be in- the moment, the situation, the day, the presence of friends or family, the happiness, the sadness, the good times and bad, etc.

And above all - He has been reiterating to me the importance of the only resolution and goal I ever need to have - not just each Jan. 1st - but every day -

Matthew 6:33 - "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

As well as . . .

Matthew 22:
36-40 - "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

My only goal and resolution in 2009 and everyday of my life is to be a Lover of God - to seek Him first - His kingdom and His righteousness - and let Him take care of the rest! He can do it! He does it all the time! We just have to trust Him to follow through with His promises when we follow through with ours!

If I am loving God with all my heart - the rest will come . . . I will love myself more (because I will know WHO I am in Christ and how God sees me) - which may lead to taking care of myself more - toning up the gravity-induced sagging areas, resting more, etc. It will lead to loving others more (as I have learned to love myself) - so more time will be spent with family and friends. It will lead to a more balanced approach to how I spend my money (which I've done fairly well at - but there's ALWAYS room for improvement!). It may even lead to a cleaner house . . . . . maybe . . . maybe not. :) It may just take off the stress that I feel about it - realizing that people and God are so much more important than a clean house!! A friend may pass away tomorrow . . . but the messes never will!! They will only continue! So . . . choose people over cleaning any day! That's my philosophy! :) (so - come visit me . . . but expect to be able to write me a note in the dust on my furniture! . . . . ok . . . it's not always that bad!)

I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve and New Year's Day!

I know that God LOVES new beginnings! He invented them! If 2008 hasn't been the best year for you . . . look forward with anticipation to a new beginning in 2009! Seek God first and foremost - and you can't go wrong!! Give Him your worries, your resolutions, your goals and ask Him for His! They are always MUCH better than anything we could dream up!!

Go DEEPER in 2009!

L :)


Stomb said...

Good stuff- Jeremy

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